Currently access to Testbed activities is primarily provided through links on the Products and Services Committee section of the ESIP Federation Wiki. While this approach works fine if users realize the Testbed is sponsored by the Products and Services Committee, it is otherwise somewhat hidden and difficult to discover from outside of the wiki environment. We propose two pursue two objectives with a new Testbed environment; (1) In an effort to make the ESIP Testbed more visible and accessible to ESIP members and the general public, a CMS-based portal will be deployed that will host the various funded activities and be available to support other activities as deemed appropriate by the Testbed Configuration Board. Access controls on the portal will be configured to provide controlled access for developers and testers while at the same time providing public access for users and other participants. (2) Additionally, we propose to implement a new flexible operating environment for the Testbed that will allow for more customized configuration for each task (in necessary) through the use of virtualization services, as well as making use of cloud-based resources as available. Some tasks will have requirements for system dependencies that may conflict with other tasks, so the availability of virtualized systems will allow more specialized configurations for tasks with those requirements. A common operating area will be available to host the less complicated configuration of other tasks as necessary. The Testbed Configuration Board will manage long-term maintenance and configuration of the Testbed portal.